AquaTech Eco Consultants (AquaTech) along with Aquatic Restoration and Conservation Association (ARCA), and in collaboration with the Florida State University Coastal and Marine Lab (FSUCML), is working to restore oyster habitat in Apalachicola Bay. Following a 2016 effort by FDEP to reestablish viable habitat for oyster reefs in Apalachicola Bay, FWC identified areas that had been restored as suitable bottom for oyster reef. Using this research, FSUCML identified as 48 acre2 area to restore and partnered with AquaTech and ARCA. Together we are working on a novel means of oyster reef restoration, using heavylift drone technology to deploy oyster seed. This cross-section of technology and restoration is the first of its kind, and is already proving to be successful. By the end of June 2024, AquaTech will have deployed 30 million oyster seeds into Apalachicola Bay for oyster reef restoration efforts. This intersection of technology and restoration is the first of its kind.

Project Location:
East Point, FL
Company/Agency Contracting:
Project Completion Date: