Hydroblasting is a non-invasive method of elevation correction in areas where elevation was historically modified by the creation of mosquito impoundments, or control ditches, in the 1950’s. The increased elevation that resulted from sediment being cast aside and mounded up resulted in some important ecological implications including the intrusion of the invasive Brazilian Pepper Tree, making it difficult for native species such as mangroves to survive in this modified habitat. By using water pumps and high-power hoses to displace sediment as opposed to heavy machinery, AquaTech is able to accomplish a much less destructive and invasive approach to restoring the natural elevation of wetland habitat so that native species can thrive in their habitat again.

Project Location:
Mangrove Point
Ruskin, FL
Company/Agency Contracting:
Mangrove Point
Mitigation Bank
(JMB Companies)
Project Completion Date:
Services Provided
• Hydroblasting of 1,800 mosquito ditch mounds to natural elevation
• 32,400 yd3 of material moved