AquaTech Eco Consultants was contracted by Ecosphere Restoration Institute to plant three acres of Florida certified native eelgrass, or Vallisneriaamericana, in Lake Tiger, under the jurisdiction of Polk County Parks and Natural Resources Division. Planting units were kept at the Aquaticus Plants aquaculture facility in biodegradable peat pots for upwards of 3 months in order to allow for root establishment, affording them a better chance at survival after installation at the restoration sites. AquaTech staff installed 14,400 V. americana plants within multiple different sites across Lake Gibson predetermined by Polk County. It is anticipated that these plants will easily establish within these restoration areas and will one day provide new, viable habitat and ecosystem services in this central Florida lake.

Project Location:
Lake Gibson
Lakeland, FL
Company/Agency Contracting:
Polk County Parks and Natural Resources Division
Project Completion Date:
July 2024
Services Provided
• Installation of 3 acres of SAV across multiple restoration sites in Lake Gibson